How to make friends in Gothenburg

It is often more difficult than expected to create a social environment in a new place. With every new start, you also start from scratch in terms of establishing contacts. However, how easy that goes varies depending on the location and country. According to many articles and experience reports, it is particularly difficult for expats in Sweden to settle into society and build real friendships. One reason for this may be that Swedes are comparatively reserved towards strangers and it is unusual to spontaneously approach an unknown person. It can take a long time for an acquaintance with a Swede to develop into a real friendship. And even if everything else in your new home fits, it can still get lonely without a network of friends nearby. Based on our experience, here are some tips for how to make friends quickly in Gothenburg.

Firstly, I would like to lower the expectation that you have to be friends with a Swede in order to be considered integrated. It is understandable wanting to be seen as part of the Swedish society in the long term and therefore seeking contact with Swedish locals rather than surrounding yourself exclusively with other newcomers. Nevertheless, it can be easier at first to meet people who are also new to the country, rather than trying to make direct contact with Swedes who already have long-lasting friendships and are deeply rooted. Especially Sweden's big cities are very international, with people from many different backgrounds, where everyone is welcome and can mingle.

Many of us who are new to Sweden have had a familiar environment around us until recently and may rarely been in the situation of "having" to make new acquaintances. It can be unusual to actively meet new people. It is therefore important to connect with other people in various ways and to have an open attitude. There are many places to meet other people, especially in cities. My tips relate to Gothenburg - but most of them can also be applied to other (Swedish) cities.

Public events

Like most municipalities and cities, Gothenburg has its own website, which also publicises events taking place in the area. This is a great way to socialise and get to know people. There are two websites for events in Gothenburg: one from Göteborgs Stad and another from Destination Gothenburg.

University courses

If you are studying in Sweden, you will quickly get in touch with other students anyway. But some universities also offer courses and modules in English for everyone else, which you can sign up for without being a student. That way you can meet other people with similar interests.

SFI - Language school

SFI - Svenska för invandrare - is a governmental educational institution for adults to learn the Swedish language. The courses differ in language skills and learning level as well as in the possibility to learn full or part time and at school or from a distance. Alternatively, there are also language schools that charge a fee. Both are very good ways to get to know the language and culture better and to socialise with others.

Language café

The language café - or Språkcaféet - takes place regularly and in various neighbourhoods. Here you can sit together with volunteers at a table and have a relaxed conversation in Swedish. This not only brings you into contact with the volunteers, but also with other language café participants who are as well new to the area and looking for company. There is also the language café at Esperantoplats in Gothenburg, where you can buy something to eat or drink and then spontaneously start a conversation with someone on site in any language. (Click here for the language cafés in Mölndal)

International House

The International House in Gothenburg is a pioneer in Sweden. It is a drop-in centre for people from all over who are seeking a job in Sweden and has created its own community. Free seminars, workshops and more provide an introduction to topics such as work culture, job research, applications and networking in Sweden. There is definitely a focus on networking, so there is always time to chat over a coffee before and after the events.

Apps: Facebook & Meetup

Facebook is very popular in Sweden and is particularly useful due to the group functions that you can use to connect with others. For example, you can search for "German / New / International in Gothenburg", or for hobbies and sports in your city. Another alternative is Meetup, where you can filter by location and activity and take part in meetings and excursions.


The Gothenburg Library not only has a wide reading selection both on site and digitally, but also organises various events which connect people. For example, there are book clubs in different languages, but sometimes also other interesting activities.

Get to know Swedes!

Do you still want specific tips on how to get to know Swedes? Then I recommend that you first introduce yourself to your neighbours and actively take part in any events in the neighbourhood. If you can speak a few sentences in Swedish, your neighbours will be happy and you'll definitely make a good first impression. If you own a dog, you're very likely to chat with other dog owners in the neighbourhood when you go for a walk! The neighbourhood often has their own WhatsApp or Facebook group where they exchange information. Otherwise, an easy way to get in touch with Swedish colleagues is through work. If there is no after-work programme, you could come up with one! Finally, I would again advise you to get involved in sports clubs, organisations and similar, as these common interests are great to build on. Apart from that, you could become a volunteer!

These tips will definitely keep you busy for a while. By the time you've "worked through" all the points, you will certainly have made a handful of new acquaintances! I hope this has motivated you. And now I wish happy socialising ;-)


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